Cold Chisel, Warm Heart
For some reason I knocked all the tiles off before I demolished the walls. It was sort of fun chiseling them off, but just unnecessary. I suppose I did it that way because all the write-ups I found online talked about knocking tiles off so that they could be reused. In my case, no, I will not be reusing my tile. Because it sucks.
In the beginning was the bathroom.
And then we pulled the vanity out of it. Yes, the tile is pink and the walls and ceiling are brown.
Was pink.
Then (after cutting them out with a drywall knife and hitting them with a hammer repeated) the walls came tumbling down.
Stoked to discover 52-year-old razor blades inside the wall. Made of tungsten!
And now, instead of a hideous pink, green, and brown bathroom, I have a rubble-covered, wall-less, function-less room. ¡Viva el progreso!
For some reason also I thought I’d enjoy this renovation stuff during-the-fact. It’ll be a good thing to have done, but in the meantime I’m sick of having to live in the basement and dump my bank account into Home Depot’s.